Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tagged... again, but different!

I got tagged again, but this time it is something different. Thanks Stephanie!

1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was 13, hmm I was living in Utah, so probabley riding horses and being an obnoxious new teenager :D

2. Five things on your to do list today:-
-Make it through work
-Do a couple loads of laundry
-Watch the TV shows I recorded on DVR while I was on the mainland
-Study for Network+ and...
-Cook dinner? sounds good...

3. Snacks I enjoy:-
Otter pops, pop corn, pop tarts, lol... and crackers :D

4. What would I do if suddenly I were a billionaire?-
You know how in movies, you will see people in a room full of money just throwing it all around up in the air and money is flying everywhere? Yeah, I would have to do that.

5. 3 bad habits:-
Drinking Red Bull, cursing (I AM getting better though :D), and being a couch potato.

6. 5 places I've lived:-
Hawaii, Korea, Georgia, Missouri, Arizona

7. 5 jobs I've had:-
-Burger King (whopper flopper)
-KMart (checkout/cashier)
-Denny's (waitress)
-U.S. Army (Computer Geek)
-Education Center (A little bit of this, a little bit of that, and a little computer work).

8. 5 things people don't know about me:-
Wow... again? hmm...
-I only eat the purple, green, and pink otter pops, (our freezer is full of orange red a blue ones :D)
-My hair is naturally blonde and my eyebrows are naturally dark (IT'S TRUE dangit people still think I dye my hair...)
-I got married in Seoul Korea
-When I was in the Army my combats boots were size 5 extra wide (flinstone feet haha)
-I beat the game Jewel Quest and all the bonus levels TWICE :D

I tag:
Kelly Dodge
and Lala

Monday, June 23, 2008

Sergeant Burns


Military Promotions 101:
In the Army, all promotions to Sergeant and above you have to earn, all others before then are automatic. I will not bore you with the details, but essentially soldiers have to go to a promotion board, where they earn their 'promotable' status. Then they have to meet a certain number of points which vary by MOS (job) and month. Soldiers earn points by doing various things such at pt, weapons qualifications, college, military schools etc..., and when the number drops below how many points you have, you get promoted. Promotion points are published near the end of the month, and soldiers who make points get promoted on the 1st of the coming month. *breathe*

So, last month my hubby missed the cut off by only 6 points! It sucks when that happens, and he got really discouraged. He has been promotable for quite some time, but the points for his job have always been high. He has worked hard to earn more and more points, and this month he finally made cut off!!!

He was sleeping this morning as I was getting ready for work, and I checked to see if July's points had been posted. I got excited as I saw they had and checked to see if Alan made it. The points for MPs were posted at 575 and Alan had 591! He made it by a long shot!!! I was SO excited and started screaming ALAN!!! YOU MADE POINTS!!! ALAN WAKE UP, YOU MADE IT!!! Imagine the wake up that Alan got :D It was fun to see his reaction since he has been waiting a long time for this!

So, I am SO proud of Alan and he definitely deserves this long awaited promotion! He gets promoted on the first, and don't worry my blogger fans, I will definitely be posting pictures of the ceremony! CONGRATULATIONS BABY!!!


Sunday, June 22, 2008

Vet appointment, irony at its best!!!

So, before I left for the mainland, I scheduled an appointment for pre-surgery to get our dog Foxy Spayed. She came out of heat weeks ago, and we were tired of dealing with the mess during that period of time. Now, there is a dachshund that lives in the apartments below us, and him and foxy are good friends. They play together, poop together, walk together, and such. Clifford's (the dachshunds) owner always talked about the two dogs making babies, but I was never really a big fan of the idea.

When I was in Utah, Alan told me that he thought foxy was pregnant. I asked him why and he said that she was getting a big belly, and her nipples were growing. I didn't want to believe it and attributed the signs to her getting older and coming out of puppy-hood. Well, when I got home one look at her and I believed him. So, ironically enough, foxys neuter appointment turned into a pregnancy appointment. Come to find out that foxy will have babies in two to three weeks. The vet thinks there is three in there, but we will know for sure on the 2nd when they give her an ultra sound.

The picture on the left is her normal size, and on the right is what I cam home too. So, looks like we are going to be Grandparents! I am excited about it!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

My trip to the mainland


I am back on this little island and had quite the adventure on the mainland, this will be a long blog, with lots of pictures, you are warned!!!

First I flew into Tuscon, AZ to make a 12 hour road trip to Utah with Jenna and baby Reilly. I LOVE little Reilly, and he is SO dang CUTE!!! Here is my first picture with him at a gas station in Tuscon... He was tired, hence hiding his face :D

So, we headed towards Utah, and put good use to my GPS,
even though I had driven the route many times when I lived in Phoenix several years ago, it was fun to use. I got to drive all the way from Phoenix to home, and it took 12 hours between food/gas/feeding baby breaks which is not so bad at all. During the trip, me and Jenna had lots of fun, I told her how CUTE Reilly was every five minutes, all the way from Tuscon to Phoenix :D. We talked a lot and got to catch up on lots of things, we listened to music we had from High School, and even changed the words to several songs. It was great, I would have never imagined me and my sister confined in a small space for so long would turn out so good!

The night before the wedding, we all went to the park where the ceremony would be, and then dinner. Here is a picture of me and my brother and sister. We got along so well, my brother and I played rock band a few nights, and we kicked butt! We played with his girl friend, and roommate, but me and Tyler were the only ones rockin' it on expert! WOOT WOOT! I like Tyler's girlfriend Melissa, and told him that if he messed things up with her, we would get rid of him and keep her :D It was fun.

The day of the wedding was amazing. My mom had a small ceremony at the park, and I got to see most of my moms side of the family that I had not seen in years. I also got to catch up with a distant cousin I had not seen in forever! Her name is Jenny, and we are only a few months apart in age. It was awesome to see her too! My cousins had all grown, and it was SO much fun to see everybody again. Before the wedding, they blessed Reilly, my Grandfather gave the blessing, and it was a wonderful moment. Anyway, here are some pictures of the wedding and blessing...

The day after the wedding my brother, his girlfriend, roommate, and my sister went paint balling. We had fun! My sister and I didn't bring any shoes that we wanted to get dirty paint balling so we went and bought cheap keds from wal-mart, here is a picture of us in our not so camouflage shoes :D

As soon as I got cleaned up from paint balling, I took off to St. George to see Melanie, who is by far, my best, truest, most constant awesomest friend. I love Melly the most because it doesn't ever matter how long it has been since we have seen each other we always pick up right where we left off. When I last saw Melly, she was newly engaged. Now, she is married AND has a new baby name Trevor! When I visited he was 11 days old. It was fun to meet him, and here is a picture of me with Melanie's new addition. I always forget to get pictures with her though :( Maybe next time!!! While I was in St. George, I got to visit an old friend and his new wife. Kelly grew up just down the street from me, and I have lots of memories with him, most of which consist of scooping poop from horse corrals. :D It was AWESOME to see him again, we visited for several hours and time sure did fly! It was fun to get to meet his new wife as well, and it was funny because they lived only one mile away from Melanie! I also forgot to get a picture with the two of them... I suck at this game :D

It was sad to leave, like always, and it will be almost a year before I will be home again. This time with Alan. I spent the night in SLC with my Aunt and Uncle and their kids, who grew up WAY too fast, I remember when the oldest was born, and now he is 14! WOW, so there were three boys and two girls, and the boys all kicked my butt in air hockey, AND in a racing game on PlayStation. It was a blast! I miss those guys!!! Well, that is about it for my short trip to the mainland, and here are some more pictures of my new nephew Reilly, and just in case I forgot to mention it, HE IS SO CUTE!!!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A little bit of this, a little bit of that...

So, here I am, procrastinating, again. I am going to the mainland for a week to see my sister and her baby, and my mom get married, and Melanie's new son. I am very excited, and I really need to pack. I work all day tomorrow, and have to leave pretty soon after work to get my red-eye flight, and in case I didn't mention it, I SHOULD be packing instead of being lazy on the computer. I haven't posted in a bit and decided I would just jot some random thoughts that really don't make much sense, so here it goes.

1. Gas prices, I SWEAR it is a conspiracy!

2. My car got in a fight with a parking structure and lost.

3. I LOVE my hubby, foxy, and otter pops.

4. I HATE snotty people, lines at the store on payday, and traffic hour.

5. Mormons rock, and Hawaiian Mormons are even better.

6. I miss Italy Italy in Korea.

7. Army Wives is back on! (LOVED the premiere, cried my butt off...)

8. I miss my family and friends.

9. There is not enough time to do everything I want.

10. I forgot to buy nail polish.

11. My phone was dying a slow painful death, so I got a new impressive high tech phone.

12. Wii would like to play, and WII are going to play!


So, I guess I need to get off my butt.... I will post pictures and tell lots of stories when I get back!


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I got tagged...

I've been tagged by Nancy!! Here's how to play the game of tag. Post these rules on your blog: list 3 Joys, 3 Fears, 3 Goals, 3 Current Obsessions/Collections, 3 Random Surprising Fact About Me and then tag 5 others at the end of your blog by leaving their names.

3 Joys:
1. Alan, I love getting to spend time with my hubby.
2. Foxy, my little dog to keep my feet warm at night.
3. Chatting with my wifey neighbors outside, I love you Dani, Nina, and Sheela!

3 Fears:
1. My mom dying.
2. Creepy crawly things.
3. Feet, yes, yes I know, it is truly sad...

3 Goals:
1. Get my Bachelors Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology
2. Get married in the temple.
3. Get CCNA, N+ and Security certifications.

3 Current Obsessions/Collections:
1. Watching Army Wives, (starts THIS Sunday!!!)
2. Shoes, shoes shoes, I LOVE shoes!
3. Dr. Phil, I don't know why, but lately I have been watching his show like crazy...

3 Random Surprising Fact About Me:
1. I know how tell a taxi driver how to get anywhere using only the Korean language.
2. I eat ramen noodles with chopsticks.
3. I once had a dog named Harry Potter.

I tag Jenna, lALA, Kaylee, Clarissa, and Katie.
