Sunday, June 22, 2008

Vet appointment, irony at its best!!!

So, before I left for the mainland, I scheduled an appointment for pre-surgery to get our dog Foxy Spayed. She came out of heat weeks ago, and we were tired of dealing with the mess during that period of time. Now, there is a dachshund that lives in the apartments below us, and him and foxy are good friends. They play together, poop together, walk together, and such. Clifford's (the dachshunds) owner always talked about the two dogs making babies, but I was never really a big fan of the idea.

When I was in Utah, Alan told me that he thought foxy was pregnant. I asked him why and he said that she was getting a big belly, and her nipples were growing. I didn't want to believe it and attributed the signs to her getting older and coming out of puppy-hood. Well, when I got home one look at her and I believed him. So, ironically enough, foxys neuter appointment turned into a pregnancy appointment. Come to find out that foxy will have babies in two to three weeks. The vet thinks there is three in there, but we will know for sure on the 2nd when they give her an ultra sound.

The picture on the left is her normal size, and on the right is what I cam home too. So, looks like we are going to be Grandparents! I am excited about it!

1 comment:

Carissa said...

I am glad I found your blog! I am excited you guys are having puppies! that's fun! we need to get together again soon... sorry Jonny and I have been so busy!!