Friday, September 5, 2008

I got a job!!!!!

So let me tell you a good story....

As you all know (and thanks for the support btw) I have been looking for a job. I have let everyone I know know I am looking, checking out job websites and such, not really coming up with anything good. My Uncle works for a company that I talked with, but they didn't have any positions open beyond basic reception jobs. I was getting a little discouraged, but keep putting in resumes and stuff.

So, I have a cousin, (actually she is my 4th cousin or something, more like best friend...) her name is Jenny and I have known her my whole life, anyway.... ever since I found out that I was moving to Utah, I had the feeling that I should call her. It is such a coincidence that I had her number anyway, but that is another story... I kept telling myself that I would call her later, I was sure I was going to call her, but I just kept putting it off.... Well, I finally called her Tuesday. She manages two Payless stores in Utah county, and while she couldn't provide me with the job and income I needed she had JUST hired a guy part time that is the Human Resources manager for a company called Teleperformace. She had no idea what the company did, but she instantly thought of him. She told me that she would talk to him that night, find out what he did, and ask him if he was hiring....

Well, she talked to him, and the first thing he asked her is "Does she know anything about computers?" BINGO! So, he gave her his work number, and told her to tell me to call him the next day, which was Wednesday. I called Wednesday, and he told me that the were hiring Dell Technical Support Technicians. Sweet. I have five years of experience working DIRECTLY with Dell products (thanks Army). So, he asked if I could interview the next day, of course I jumped at the chance, so I went up there Thursday (oh, to Lindon btw, North Orem/Pleasant Grove for those that don't know) and had two interviews, I really impressed the guy that interviewed me last, and the offered me the position!!! It was SO AMAZING!!!

Everything just fell together so nicely I just know that I am supposed to be doing this. I look at all the things that happened and it is just awesome. I start working at the end of October, which works out nicely too. I have to pick up my car in LA at the end of this month, then the Army has to deliver my household goods by mid October, it is great cause I have time to find a place and get settled in and not have to rush anything. I can focus my time on finding an apartment out near Lindon/Orem/PG and get my stuff moved in, and visit old friends that I haven't seen in forever.

So, my house/apartment hunt starts next week, if anybody that lives in that area knows of any good places for rent that will let me keep my small dog, got ahead and leave a comment. Anybody that wants to catch up with me, also comment, I have some time to travel around a bit.

I need to work on my Arabic accent. LOL I figure I have lots of bad karma coming my way, I used to give Dell Techies such a hard time lol. I don't believe I have EVER talked to an American Dell Tech Support person... I didn't even knew they had them lol. I LOVE it!!!


Anonymous said...

Congrats Julie, thats great we are really happy you found something. Come back down to Saint George sometime and say hi.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS Julie!!!!! It's amazing how well things work out when they're supposed to :) I admire your strength and you better be up for a visit when I come that way in Feb.

RuSty and LaLa said...

Julie you better not let your beard get that out of hand...wax girl. Kidding. No really it was so good to hear from you! You sounded happier than I've heard you in a long time. PS I updated my blog...finally.
Love ya