Wednesday, December 24, 2008

And then some...

What a month!!! Life has been so crazy, but so great! Where do I start? First of all, I LOVE my job. I work with GREAT people, and it is a GREAT company, and every day I don't go more than thirty minutes without laughing. I could not ask for more. Well, actually, I do drive 45 miles for work each way, and that is a little rough, but it is also great time to just think (which is dangerous sometimes, when I think that is haha). It did however take me two and a half hours to get home last Friday in that huge snowstorm... YUCK Anyway...

I LOVE where I live! I am in the GREATEST ward ever! There are some awesome people in my ward, and the ward here is an 'older' ward, which is great, I guess the average age is 25 :D. I am making a lot of new friends. I am so grateful to have such awesome people in my life. I would name names, but I don't want to leave anybody out, just know that I appreciate you! I do have a fun experience... One Sunday at ward prayer I met a guy who served his mission in Korea! We talked forever about anything and everything Korean, and all the fun stuff that we miss. It was totally awesome to be able to have a conversation about it with someone who actually knows what I am talking about. Just like with the Army, it is great to meet soldiers, I can speak about the Army without having to explain every other acronym. :D LOVE IT.

I HATE the COLD!!! People, it sucks, I know you know, and I know it is going to get colder, but that doesn't mean that it is not freezing now!!!! I just got so used to the year round warm in Hawaii my body doesn't know what to do in the cold. I came home from work one day, and this is what my lawn looked like....

The people that live below me shovel my sidewalk, LOVE THEM.

Foxy has to have a special patch of grass shoveled just for her to do her business, that dog is so spoiled...

OH, I have another friends story!!! On Sunday I met up with an old friend from high school! I love catching up with people, and he came over Sunday and we watched movies and played Wii with my other GREAT friend Desiree. It was so much fun to catch up, and tonight, we are going to drive back home together, to keep company and have someone else to push the Santa Fe if it gets stuck hahaha, jk. It is supposed to be really yucky weather and it will be so nice to have the company!

On that note... I am SO excited to be able to go home for Christmas! This will be the first Christmas I get to spend home with my family (minus Jenna) in five years! Jenna is stuck in Arizona, but it will be great to be around my mom and Tyler! I cant wait!

Speaking of Tyler, he is probably going to be moving in with me. I am going to start taking bets of how long it will take for one of us to kill the other hahaha. We have a great relationship as long as we live apart, it will defiantly be interesting, plus it will be great to have him around to do the man work haha. Brothers.....

Anyway, that's about it for now, nothing too exciting, but I need to do my homework (blech) and get packed to head home. I wish everybody Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!!! To my battle buddies in Iraq, you will be home in one month! I love you and miss you! God speed!!!



Megan said...

Julie- Sounds like you are doing awesome and loving life! I'm so happy for you and proud of you for the steps you are taking. I know how hard starting over can be. Merry Christmas!!

RuSty and LaLa said...

SO fun. Sorry about the snow and the cold. I would send you some sunshine but that doesn't really work. I love the troll outfit. I was confused at first glance but then I read on. GOod times!

PS I miss your Korean glass. It was my favorite. Love ya!