Sunday, May 17, 2009

April, Moving Day!

I decided to move in with my best friend Desi, it was better for a lot of reasons. I would save 500$ a month and always have good company. I live now in the basement of her Grandmas house, it is a basement apartment, so we have our own living space, kitchen, living room , laundry room etc... Her Grandma is wonderful!!! I love living here, but getting in was very eventful. About a week or so before I moved in, the basement flooded... The carpet in my room was completely ruined, and they had to tear it out, and get new carpet put in. They carpet guy was scheduled to come in the day before I was moving in...

Nate, Milan, and me tearing out carpet, inner circle picture :) Desi is taking the picture, so it counts haha...

This is me hanging up the T.V. mount on the wall for my T.V. This was a few days before move in, before carpet guy was supposed to come, and after everything was flooded....

So, carpet guy called and rescheduled, for the day I was supposed to move in... BLAH! He said he would be at the house at 8 a.m. and would do my room very first so that by the time that we got there with the furniture (people were meeting at my house at 9:00 a.m. to load) we would have somewhere to put things. Keep in mind, everything was flooded so everything in the basement was crammed into the living room, which happened to miss the flood.... So, turns out, carpet guy was WAY late, and didn't do my room first. So by the time we showed up to my NEW house with everything all ready to download, carpet guy hadn't even started laying the carpet, he was still doing the padding.... BLAH! So, we decided to take a lunch break. I took everyone that came to help out to Burgers Supreme, GREAT place to eat... By the time we were done eating and relaxing, we came back and carpet guy was about finished. We got everything unloaded and into the house, but it rained ALL day, we had no real furniture casualties except my mattress got dropped in the mud, lol, it is funny now that I think of it, but I had to take my carpet shampooer to it for a while to get it clean.... :) My friend Nate brought a HUGE truck to help move, and we got everything into it in one load, sweet!!!

Me and Desi, at my old house, pausing for a photo-op :D

Me and Amanda, my newest friend, walking buddy, and soon to be gym partner :D

The men, moving my fridge out, thank goodness for the muscles!

It was a CRAZY day, but I am so glad to be living here. I finally got everything finished and put together this weekend, Desi is coming back from vacation to see her family, and it is all done, its a surprise :D She will be so happy when she sees everything. I even put in a new kitchen sink faucet for her (she wanted one with a sprayer) and a cabinet thing up on the wall in the bathroom! I cant wait for her to get back and see it!!!!

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