Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sticky Legs

Funny story! Today, I was mowing the lawn... and about a quarter of the grass is dead, and there are lots of dusty spots where the grass is almost no grass... So, I really must have slapped a lot of lotion on my legs this morning cause by the time I got done, this is what my legs looked like. Hehehe, I just had to take a picture, so funny! My favorite is where the flip flop lines are. :) Just a random thought...


Jenna McMichael said...

LOL!!! That is a good one! I thought that was a great tan line until I read your blog!! HAHA Sticky Julie!

RuSty and LaLa said...

nasty Julie! Lotion...i remember putting that on. I never do in hawaii. It makes you all slimy. Glad to see a post from you!