Monday, June 23, 2008

Sergeant Burns


Military Promotions 101:
In the Army, all promotions to Sergeant and above you have to earn, all others before then are automatic. I will not bore you with the details, but essentially soldiers have to go to a promotion board, where they earn their 'promotable' status. Then they have to meet a certain number of points which vary by MOS (job) and month. Soldiers earn points by doing various things such at pt, weapons qualifications, college, military schools etc..., and when the number drops below how many points you have, you get promoted. Promotion points are published near the end of the month, and soldiers who make points get promoted on the 1st of the coming month. *breathe*

So, last month my hubby missed the cut off by only 6 points! It sucks when that happens, and he got really discouraged. He has been promotable for quite some time, but the points for his job have always been high. He has worked hard to earn more and more points, and this month he finally made cut off!!!

He was sleeping this morning as I was getting ready for work, and I checked to see if July's points had been posted. I got excited as I saw they had and checked to see if Alan made it. The points for MPs were posted at 575 and Alan had 591! He made it by a long shot!!! I was SO excited and started screaming ALAN!!! YOU MADE POINTS!!! ALAN WAKE UP, YOU MADE IT!!! Imagine the wake up that Alan got :D It was fun to see his reaction since he has been waiting a long time for this!

So, I am SO proud of Alan and he definitely deserves this long awaited promotion! He gets promoted on the first, and don't worry my blogger fans, I will definitely be posting pictures of the ceremony! CONGRATULATIONS BABY!!!


1 comment:

.. said...

Nice! congrats Alan!