Monday, September 1, 2008

Home in Utah

I left Hawaii Saturday night. It was probably the hardest thing I have ever had to do. Even Alan leaving for Iraq was easier than this, I knew he would come back to me. Now, I will probably never see him again. I know it is for the best, but it sucks still... Foxy was great all through check in and security, but she threw a fit in the airport. I was having a hard time waiting for the plane, and just cried. Once on the plane Foxy calmed down, and was fine throughout the whole flight. We got through baggage claim, rental car and everything and Foxy was so well behaved, it was nice.
We drove all the way from SLC to Elsinore where my mom lives. We stopped in Payson to see my Grandparents, and Foxy did well with them. She just sat on my lap and slept through the whole car ride. We got to my moms house around 12:30 in the afternoon, and have settled in rather nicely. My Moms dog is not a fan of Foxy, and sometimes we have to interfere in their getting to know each other, but other than that things are going well. I have sent out a few more resumes, and this week I am just going to get settled, and start my school work before setting out on the road next week to follow up on my job applications and resumes. The hardest part for me is not knowing what I am going to be doing, or where I will be. I feel like I am not secure, life is an open book right now....
BTW, it is COLD! It was like 5 degrees today, my goodness I was freezing! I do not know if I will survive a winter in Salt Lake County, or where ever I will be, I may have to look further south, like Saint George or Vegas... I might never unthaw... :D and it was only 65! wow.
Anyway, I will keep everyone posted on my status, also my blog will be undergoing a serious makeover, for obvious reasons... I will have to take that on later...
Until next time...


farnsworthfamily said...

hey i was just browsing through and saw your blog. you are such a strong person and have a wonderful heart. i want you to know im thinking of you at this time and hope things start to look up. its so nice to catch up with everyone, it has been so long. love ya lots. you can check us out at

The Barton Bunch said...

I am glad you made it home save! If you are just in Elsinore we should do lunch sometime. Let me know! Talk to ya soon!

The S Fam said...

Glad you made it home!!! Good luck with everything I hope you find something you will really enjoy and somewhere you will like to live. You are so strong, such an inspiration!!!

Anonymous said...

I am glad you are home safe. You are so strong and I am sure everything will fall into place. By the way, I forgot to mention in my previous comment how great of a picture that one is with you holding the armfull of puppies!