Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Finally puppies!!!!

What an eventful night we had last night!!! This post will be especially long as I won't spare any details!!!

I worked all day yesterday, and at the last minute, I was asked if I could stay and manage the computer lab that would turn my 8 hour day into a 13 hour day. I agreed, as I always love to have more hours, and was prepared to have a long night. Not long after Alan brought my dinner to me, the guy I was filling in for showed up and told me I could stay or leave, and I decided to go so I could spend the evening with Alan. Well, I am glad I made that choice because soon after I got home, foxy went into labor.

I had only been home for about an hour. It was a little after 7pm and Alan had just walked across the street to check on his work schedule. I was reading my book, and looking out for foxy (she had been in her whelping box all day, and was panting, and wouldn't eat). I saw her stomach tighten up real tight, and I knew that it was a contraction. I called Alan to tell him we were going to have puppies soon, and got my neighbor up here quick.

Foxy started pushing at 7:21pm and when we didn't see a puppy come for 10 minutes, me being the worry wart I am called the emergency vet. I explained what happened, that she had been pushing off and on for 10 minutes, and nothing was coming out, and the vet told me to wait for an hour to an hour and a half then if she still wasn't pushing out puppies to bring her in. So, not two seconds after I had gotten off the phone a puppy started to appear, FEET FIRST! You know me, I called the vet again. :D The vet said to watch her and if she hadn't pushed it out after a while to bring her in. I felt silly calling the vet so much, but hey, better safe than sorry right?

So, It was about 7:50 and by this time, the first puppy had two feet and his tail out of Foxy. Me and my neighbor were worried and decided to try to pull it out. (Alan still hadn't gotten home by this time.) So, as foxy pushed, we pulled, and together, we got our first girl puppy.

While we were waiting for the next one, Foxy's motherly instinct took right over, and she started bathing her new pup and letting it eat. It was pretty cute. When foxy started to contract again, we knew it was time for another, and got ready for number two. Well, guess what? He was backwards too!!! We first saw his paw, and knew we were going to have a problem. The first one was hard to pull out, but this next one had MUCH LARGER PAWS! We were worried...

Foxy just kept pushing, and when we saw two paws and a tail, and she was trying to push out the rest of this big puppy, we had to get to pulling again. This time I was scared. This puppy was much bigger, and I kept pulling and he wouldn't come out, I was so scared that I was going to crush this baby puppy that Alan had to take over, and wouldn't you know it, we finally pulled the big one out! (Thanks to Alan!) This one was a boy, and came about two hours after the first.

Me and Dani (my neighbor) figured we had a good break before the next one so we decided to clean ourselves up. While we were washing our hands, the men shouted, "Oh my GOSH!" Me and Dani rushed into the living room to see what was wrong, and there on the towel was number three!!! Number three was a boy, and the runt of the litter, I guess that after pushing out the big one, the littlest one just slipped right out, about five minutes later!

We took some time to clean each one after they were born to make sure they were breathing and didn't have any fluid in their noses or mouths.

The vet told us to expect three, but foxy still had a little lump in her tummy. It wasn't moving, and foxy didn't contract or push for about 45 minutes, so we got up and cleaned the little swimming pool we used as foxys whelping box, and got all clean linens, washed up foxy, and got everything clean and situated.

Well, right after we had finished cleaning foxy and getting clean towels in foxys box, more fluid ran out of her, and she started contracting! What a surprise for us! NUMBER FOUR!!! He cam out head first, and foxy was SO tired, Dani had to push on her stomach when she contracted to help the last one out! Another boy!

We were so surprised that Foxy had four puppy's! She is SO skinny, and I am a little worried about that, but she seems to be eating a lot, and we have a vet appointment tomorrow, so I will have to bring it up. So, all four puppies are alive and well, we have three boys and a girl! It is fun to watch them move around, and foxy is being such a good mother! We are so lucky to not have had any problems!

All four puppies and mommy sleeping after a long night!


Tatum said...

Nice work! That is pretty intense! I think I would have just cried if I had to help her and pull them out!

.. said...

There cute! I remember when i was in High School and our chocolate lab had puppies....There were about ten or so and I made sure i held each one. I LOVED them! Its so fun watching them get bigger...and when they are big enough to run and jump on each other...thats the funnest part!!

Anonymous said...

Great Job Alan and Julie! The puppies look so cute

Mom Fleenor